Nati Meir a fost jefuit in Spania !

Cu lacrimi in ochi, Nati Meir trimite un email tuturor celor din adressbook-ul lui:

I’m writing this with tears in my eyes,my family and I came down here to Malaga,Spain for a short vacation unfortunately we were mugged at the park of the hotel where we stayed,all cash,credit card and cell were all stolen from us but luckily for us we still have our passports with us.

We’ve been to the embassy and the Police here but they’re not helping issues at all and our flight leaves in few hrs from now but we’re having problems settling the hotel bills and the hotel manager won’t let us leave until we settle the bills the amount needed now is just €2,650… I am so confused right now and thank God i wasn’t injured because I complied immediately.

Am freaked out at the moment….. I need your Help

Meir Nati

Eu unul nu stiam ca are dreptul sa paraseasca Bucurestiul dar poate ca Dumnezeul lui a facut o minune in cazul sau! Asa ca s-a dus cu familia in Spania si, culmea, un om onest ca el a fost jefuit!

Bineinteles ca asta suna a teapa somaleza… In primul rand am mai primit cateva emailuri de acest gen… De la el am primit pe doua adrese de email diferite, la date diferite prin care cersea bani.

nati meir da teapa

3 thoughts on “Nati Meir a fost jefuit in Spania !

  1. Oare chiar e Nati Meir sau ceva smecherie? Oricum pare interesant cum de pasapoarte au. Dar pentru ce? Are nevoie de pasaport ca sa vina in tara? Nu cred ca e vorba de Nati Meir, cred ca e ceva excrocherie la mijloc.

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