Ninja Turtles: back in action

Testoasele ninja se intorc (pentru a cincea oară) pe marile ecrane în 2011.
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are making their way back to the bigscreen.The Mirage Group, which owns the property, is moving forward with a live-action film focusing on the origins of the iconic crime fighters. Project, targeted for release in 2011, would mark the fifth bigscreen outing for the sewer-dwelling heroes Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello and Raphael as well as their master Splinter.
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Fast Forward Clip – Bad Blood – The best video clips are right here
Imi aduc aminte de anii 90 cand ne uitam la desenela animate care ne lipsisera atat de mult pe vremea lui Ceausescu. Ne-au lipsit in copilarie desenele animate si probabil acesta este motivul pentru care inca ma uit cu placere la Tom si Jerry…